Livio's Apps
This is an anchor page with links to the mobile apps that I have created recently. So find something of interest and click on thru to the other side. Above, one of my worldwide work locations, Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir, India.
My Latest App
Find trekking buddies (plus guides, porters, treks and more) in the community forums.
The Trekking Nepal app contains over 20 treks in Nepal with full details, maps, and more. It also includes an enhanced storefront with in-country vetted agency, accommodation and eating suggestions.
The Trekking Buddies Nepal app is fully integrated with additional data from other organizations. Use the import feature to import more treks!
Trekking Nepal <---Click to see more details.
Livio's Other Mobile Apps
Autism Counting 123 <---click for details
A totally free beginner number learning game for kids with developmental delays (autism specially) and toddlers. It speaks & writes it’s questions in multiple languages. Here is the list of current languages supported.
English, German, Italian, Portuguese, Croatian/Hrvatski & Spanish.
Click for details ---> Autism Counting 123
Click to see more ---> LizzyB Autism Learning Tools
Created for my grand daughter and other kids with ASD (autism spectrum disorders).
The LizzyB Learning Tools App contains 10 learning games of 10 levels each. Each game focuses on a different learning objective and each of the 10 levels introduces incremental difficulty as the player proceeds along the designed learning path.
LizzyB Autism Learning Tools <--- Click to see details.
Space Math (Android Only)<---No longer available
Space Math for Kids (preschool kids) was my first Unity Game Engine app. Functionally it taught counting (1-10) with numbers and objects to preschoolers.
It's actual purpose was to get me up and running in the Unity Universe.

Checkout some software developed in the pre-App era.

Click to see more ---> --->Cupid’s Diary
The Cupid's Diary app is basically a calendar tool and was developed as a stepping stone to my next app (Outdoor Events) which needed a calendar widget.
The finished app helps you monitor and record your relationship’s ups and downs so that you can clearly analyze the number and frequency of positive and negative events.
Cupid's Diary <---Click to see more details.
Click to see more details --->Events App Framework
Worldwide Waypoints, LLC has developing a mobile app for outdoor events, initially for marathons, but any outdoor event venue will fit (trekking, races, festivals, etc). It’s about 99% complete and currently seeking early adopters to test the Forums & Chat features.
It can be customizable and rebranded per organization as a stand-alone app or the user can import an organization's data into any of our released apps from the simple Import portal.
The organization will provide and maintain the event scheduling and meta data. Worldwide will maintain the app framework. This is a win-win for the event organization and Worldwide.
Events App Framework <---Click to see more details.
These apps are available on...
My Symptoms & Lifestyle Tracker App
Track My Symptoms performs a correlation between a user's medical symptoms and lifestyle choices.
User creates their own list of symptoms and lifestyle factors (nutrition, exercise, etc.) and then updates them on a regular basis.
Once enough data is collected the user reviews the symptoms/lifestyle relationships with the included pie charts and line graphs.
AI personal data analysis planned for phase 2.
More details at My Symptoms Tracker